GeekShock is the most amazing podcast on the planet and we have the geek cred to prove it. Every week we regale you with the latest geek news (both good and bad), what geeky things our crew has been doing, and playing stupid games. If it’s movies, television, board games, video games, D&D, comics, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or anything geeky in pop culture, we’ve all over it.
Wednesday May 08, 2013
Geek Shock #189 - Rasta Banana
Wednesday May 08, 2013
Wednesday May 08, 2013
All your favorite special guests return as Matt Donnelly, Dr. Vlarg and Deb return to Geek Shock as we discuss topics like Free Comic Book Day, National Masturbation Month, The Goratorium, Michael Baywatch, how to lose at carnival games and still win, Chainmail, Poutine soda, Iron Man 3 FTW, Good-bye Ray, SW:EA, Instant Dark Tower, Avengers 2, returning Marvel properties, State of the NextBox, Playstation Indies, PS2 for trade, What is the Wii U again, and brain dripping. So put up your Jizzmas Tree, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday May 01, 2013
Geek Shock #188 - Choda
Wednesday May 01, 2013
Wednesday May 01, 2013
Step right up and bet you life savings on this cupie doll of a Geek Shock. Fact Check Andy joins us as we talk about Food Trucks, Starcade & vaginal mesh, faint breast scent, cinnamon challenged, Space Cap'n, carnival rubes, International adventures of Iron Man, Weird or What, The Hardwick Report, The Cleaved Show, The Strong Museum, a piracy plea, Johnny Scream, Choda, Bishop's Warpath, the glory of Chic Tracts, Nintendo's silence, the Marvel RPG you never knew about, and the Science of Batman. Just one ball in the basket gets you a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
Geek Shock #187 - Take a Drink, Folks!
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
Wednesday Apr 24, 2013
Better keep your bottle handy as the Ugly Couch Show drinking game is in full effect as we talk about Modern Robinson, China for the win, Sim City wants good oral hygiene, Star Wars for years, the Devil comes home, people want Wolvie, Pasturama, new old Alien toys, Super winner, Heroes plus, Ratchet & Clank & movies, Weirder Science, and a rousing game of Red Light / Green light. So put those fingers on those buzzers, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Apr 17, 2013
Geek Shock #186 - Gypsy Gravy
Wednesday Apr 17, 2013
Wednesday Apr 17, 2013
This week's Geek Shock is slicker than a swamp eel in your lower GI. We talk about subjects like the glorious return of Glappy, Iranian time travel, mature arcade games and the idiots who condemn them, more Ghost Mine,, Spartacus Troopers, SYFY doing some right, 4DX, Gatchaman, Trek to the MAX, SYFY gets serious Sci-Fi, voodoo politics, game numbers, glorious Buck Rodgers, and where not to put your eel. So rev up your Zoltar machine, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Geek Shock #185 - Cthulhu, Eat My Balls
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Beware, demon farts ahead. Also ahead: The dark annals of Matty Collector, International Talk Like Batman Day, Play(ing less)boy, Dihydrogen MonoxAAAAAHHHH, S.H.E.I.L.D., 1313, Ebert & Infantino & Banks, Cthulhu gets called out, Green Zoe, Laser Guns, Geek Out, Arkham City: Origins, Durango rumors, a big Kickstarter, and the joys of Nutella. So get to burger salivatin'. It's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013
Geek Shock #184 - Bat Sex & Ham Press
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013
If you have a ham fetish, boy is this Geek Shock for you! Not only do we talk about the minutia of pressed pork, we also talk about Bioshock Infinite, Dinosaur Dracula, Bacon condoms, The Uno Dick Show, Ham, a game of pirates, Wonder 'pon a time, Sense8, the oral sex proclivities of bats, Finding Ellen, Starkiller, Point-counter-crosspoint, Burying games, Free Neverwhere, Play to earn, Risk of the Dead, Evil Dead mash-up, Disneyland-Stark Enterprises, Telltale Fable, and digging up bones. So don't lick the adobe, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Mar 27, 2013
Geek Shock #183 - A Pope Lick Apology
Wednesday Mar 27, 2013
Wednesday Mar 27, 2013
Get ready to go on a 'Hell-en Hunt' with this week's Geek Shock as we talk about rats that start with 'N', Nimh's secrets, Calling all Turtles, Showrooming, Enterprise, how piranhas inspired a doom bot, Captain Redford, Dunk & Egg, The Great Horror Campout, Marvel's Angela, space rocks go boom, Zombieland TV and the kids who no longer can fight them. Get ready for the Pope Lick debut of this week's Geek Shock.
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013
Geek Shock #182 - Sagittarius A
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013
All you need for a good time is a deviated septum and this episode of Geek Shock where we talk about Mane Wolves, Luke's Change, Oz: the Meh, Rumple Pillskin, Jojovitch Witnesses, the Phaser, Ian and Patrick, Will's Colossus, Batista of the Galaxy, Sagittarius A, Dinosaur hybrids not guaranteed, NASA is grounded, Marvel skate, EA's vacuum, Slitherine 40K, Saint's Row 3.5, UltimaLance, and where not to take your penis this year. So take a sniff of that musk, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Geek Shock #181 - The Fourth Merit Badge
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Get ready to earn your badges on this week's Geek Shock as we are joined by artists Brent and Spencer to talk about such topics as time travel, Alice II, Assassin's News, Lucas Bomb, Oz the REALLY powerful, Ridley's shorts, Flags of the League, Clone no more, He-Man no less, Poltergeist, Next Gen Thief, Lego did it(!), Boy Scout Merit Badges, 2D Done, Super World War Z and the return of the Twinkie. So get ready to earn your Deuce. It's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
Geek Shock #180 - Zumzagadur
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
Beware the wrath of Zumzagadur, you zumzagadur, for he may curse you with such geeky topics as G.L.O.W., geek prez cred, a Storm is brewin, playing in the children's museum, PETA's Pirates, Fifty Shades of Legal Quandry, The Princess is in, more Croft, Evil Dead 4, Jack the Box Office Slayer, He's just a sweet dark Jedi, wizardry in Iran, RetroN 4, Gygax, six strikes, EVE's milestone, the return of Fanimutation, Stewart's movie and various rants on political BS. So sneak into that children's museum, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Geek Shock #179 - Monkey Headed Flapjack
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Tune up that banjo and get into the swing of this here Geek Shock where we discuss FoxBay:TMNT, Castle Nayskull, PS4, 1down, Jay & Anime Bob, The mis-information of Joe Average, The return of Ford, Rock Band no more, help me make my geek project, too many spider-cooks, AMC's Terror, Days of Dinklage Past, Super Clyde, Metroplex, and Gender Roles and Identity in Comic Books. So put on your flapjacks, it's time for a Geeeeek Shawk!
Wednesday Feb 20, 2013
Geek Shock #178 - Star Trek: The Experience Blowout
Wednesday Feb 20, 2013
Wednesday Feb 20, 2013
This week we take a break from our regular format and reminisce about the only Star Trek theme park to ever exist, Star Trek: The Experience. Cast members Vernon Wilmer and Big Black join us as we talk about the best Trek your money could buy. Come for the stories and stay for the Warp Core Breach!
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Geek Shock #177 - I Can't Believe It's Nut Butter!
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
It's time for a Geek Shock, so call Gordon Freeman... or Morgan Freeman... or the Gordon's Fisherman cause they're gonna wanna know all about Call of *snooze*, Hate for your TV, Do No Harm (too late), He-finds, the Solo Fett movie, Morgan Freeman's Half-Life, Vegetables are bad (Mmmkay), The Walking (all over primetime) Dead, Whack-a-game, The mini-series in the high castle, not Being Human, the passing of Yoda's father, more Arkam, unsettling next console news, and the quest for the horse-man baby. So start picking up those coins and get ready for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Feb 06, 2013
Geek Shock #176 - A Little Heat In Your Mouth
Wednesday Feb 06, 2013
Wednesday Feb 06, 2013
Come join the zeitgeist as we fill our corn beards with geeky issues such as The Wins A Lot Premiere, A Games Workshop adventure, the joys of BBQ and Rocket Fizz, goddamn Neuro Bliss, Doritos Taco Bell Doritos Taco, Amazon Coins, Playstation forthcoming, beware the Queen of the Universe, Aliens (?), Thunderbirds are Go, official Ouya, Who 50, Ziggy Warcraft, King Richard III, Star Wars Black, GTA V punt, Wii U didn't buy one, and Star Wars Pinball. Now, go write your congress. Now. We'll be here when you get back.
Wednesday Jan 30, 2013
Geek Shock #175 - Playing Worm With The 80's kids
Wednesday Jan 30, 2013
Wednesday Jan 30, 2013
This week we are joined in our geeky frivoloty by The 80's Kids, Ryan Brunty and Aaron Rolston, as we worm our way into topics like Pat The Bunny, Jabba's Oriental Terrorist Hooka Den, Star Wars: Episode JJ, Star Wars: 1D, Who Rewrites the Watchmen(?), Alice in CSILand, Barbarella-Backadella, to hunt a Rhino, Dr. Butt Strange, Robotech, Dredd 2, Martin writes some wrongs, You Killed my father - Prepare to change your shirt, some Guy in Pyongyang, and whatever you do- don't think for yourselves! So put on your sleeping bags, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
Geek Shock #174 - WHO Drives The Bus !?!
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
This is it! The longest Geek Shock ever recorded. So long that we ran out of hard drive space on the home studio! What could drive us into such nerdy heft? Subjects like interactive magazines, demon barbers, Portlandia, King of the Nerds, Godzilla's Godzookie, Tailly, Godawfulsey, PocketWarwick, Who drives the Bat now(?), ZombieTVLand, Pokemon XXX, Terminator: Dracula's Bloody Avatar Island, Copyright Craft Theme Park, Dawson College of Evil, TripleShock, personal outsourcing, and the issue of homicide vs. video games. That and a whole lot more on this uber-long, abruptly ending Geek Sho---
Wednesday Jan 16, 2013
Geek Shock #173 - The "P" is Silent
Wednesday Jan 16, 2013
Wednesday Jan 16, 2013
Welcome Mr. Bumblesnort and friends to another bizarro edition of Geek Shock! Today we talk about Alana's Wish, Jurassic Park Fast(!), White House vs. Darth Vader, Disneylanders, '38 Mazzara, confusingly sexy Alien, S.H.I.E.L.D., Important Studios, better Netflix, BeXar county library, cannons in the park, World of Saving Us, Amazon Autorip, Love Me Do for everyone, and Find My iPhone (at Wayne's house). It's time for Rusty Pubes to get a ropin'. It's time for a Geek Shock.
Wednesday Jan 09, 2013
Geek Shock #172 - Ling Dings
Wednesday Jan 09, 2013
Wednesday Jan 09, 2013
Improv king, Matt Donnelly (follow him on Twitter at @sweetmattyd) joins us once again for another chaotic and mind pulverizing Geek Shock where we discuss such geeky issues as Batman art, the slow return of Godzilla, the fast return of Sin City, M Night's Twin Peaks, the Anti-Justice League, Penn Jillette's Sunday School Podcast, a father in China, Chinese currency, Paul laughs at cancer, Marvel Legos, The Justice League roster, Target vs Amazon and the joy of Child's Play. So call Lance Link. It's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Jan 02, 2013
Geek Shock #171 - Hulk on Hulk Action!
Wednesday Jan 02, 2013
Wednesday Jan 02, 2013
Professor Biggs join us on our not so womanly return to Geek Shock. This week we muse about the Tao of Charlie Brown, Hulk Orgies, Playback, PS2 vamoose, The Wars that wasn't, Another one walks from Dead, Twilight Zone, Legos at 88 mph, Curse Space 3, Arrested Development and life through the eyes of Starman. So get ready to solve for "X". It's time for Geek Shock. Remember, the Premier of Captain Luddite's film "Wins A Lot" starring Master Torgo premieres in Las Vegas on January 30th at 2pm at Brenden Theaters in the Palms Hotel. $5 donation at the door gets you in. Come join the funny!
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Geek Shock #170 - Letters To Farmhouse
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Our nearly two hour long, holiday extravaganza includes the long awaited return of Big Black and non-awaited return of Dr. Vlarg as we pontificate on such nerdly matters such as Porn watchers having a short attention span, Troll: The Rise of Harry Potter, The Hobbit Trek Into Darkness, The truth of the Matrix, Superduperman and the ownership thereof, The joys of Ikea, Porn watchers having a short attention span, Weird Desks, let the nerd blame begin, Oates & Hall, K9 Syfy, Wenis U, The Indy mystery, Humanity against cards, Porn watchers having a short attention span, and the continuing saga of Carlos Romero and his sidekick on the side, Doodles. On the first day of Christmas, your true nerds gave to you... Geek Shock!
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Geek Shock #169 - The Jocktor
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
I like eating coffee / I like eating coffee woo woo / I like eating coffee / like eating coffee woo woo / I like eating coffee / I like eating coffee woo woo / I like eating coffee ooooooh!
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Geek Shock #168 - Would a Cube Impress You?
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Some shows are a sprint. Some are a test of endurance. Guess which one this is. Fear not, true believer, for we discuss geeky things like Doomsday Preppers, Family Circus (gag), Romulan Ale, Where the Unicorns live, Bazooka Joe, Vampires in the mill, Wonder Iris, New spider folk, JLA for the obvious, Highlander joy, Under the Dome, a change in Vertigo, Disflix, self-copyright infringement, sphincter skills, and another rousing session of Redlight/Greenlight. So get ready for the long run. Get ready for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Geek Shock #168 - Would a Cube Impress You?
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Some shows are a sprint. Some are a test of endurance. Guess which one this is. Fear not, true believer, for we discuss geeky things like Doomsday Preppers, Family Circus (gag), Romulan Ale, Where the Unicorns live, Bazooka Joe, Vampires in the mill, Wonder Iris, New spider folk, JLA for the obvious, Highlander joy, Under the Dome, a change in Vertigo, Disflix, self-copyright infringement, sphincter skills, and another rousing session of Redlight/Greenlight. So get ready for the long run. Get ready for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Geek Shock #168 - Would a Cube Impress You?
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Some shows are a sprint. Some are a test of endurance. Guess which one this is. Fear not, true believer, for we discuss geeky things like Doomsday Preppers, Family Circus (gag), Romulan Ale, Where the Unicorns live, Bazooka Joe, Vampires in the mill, Wonder Iris, New spider folk, JLA for the obvious, Highlander joy, Under the Dome, a change in Vertigo, Disflix, self-copyright infringement, sphincter skills, and another rousing session of Redlight/Greenlight. So get ready for the long run. Get ready for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
Geek Shock #167 - Heavy Petting Zoo
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
You can blame it on a slow news week. You can blame it on Torgo for unearthing these stories. Or, you can blame yourselves for enjoying this filth. On this dastardly episode of Geek Shock, we talk about the the mini-Wii, Gangnam takeover, Next old men, Charlie Trex, Zombies getting you into college, The danger of one Finnish girl, never invite your digital girlfriend to your wedding, the hotness of Korean dictators, Canadian Hostess, the dangers of roach eating, Xbox vs. WiiU, and animal pimping. So get ready for a Chinese nude spank, it's time for Geek Shock!
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Geek Shock #166 - Necrotic Herpes
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Wednesday Nov 21, 2012
Beware! This episode contains necrotic herpes and exploding Mountain Dew. It also contains information on Trans-Shanghai, Dolly Hostess, Asteroids: The Homecoming, NextBox, Gandalf Connery, Lotsa Star Wars, Walking Dead to the bank, Pratchett's World, Mega-Man, Mountain Doom, Gamers vs. Surgeons, Then you have my permission to play Sam Fisher, don't text for points, Axel Foley, Jr., Star Trek: An Unexpected Journey, Marvel Blu part 2, Younger Sherlock Holmes, Avatar (The best movie ever!), and Microsoft by the hour. Plus (God, help us) Robot in Jail all on this week's Geek Shock!
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Geek Shock #165 - Bitin' Monkey
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Geek Shock: The ultimate guilty pleasure as we talk about geeky things like Dorito-gate, Rock: The Ratner Wars, Say "hi" to Michael Bay for me, Big Thunder Mountain, The next Star Wars, CW joy, Clone Vader, Fox is Marvel, WOW in the Senate, Call of Duty: Mass Effect, Dumbish, SW:TOR MMO FTP, Sony's slide, The magazine slide, and the future of Grand Theft Auto. So tune into your secret show, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Geek Shock #164 - Da Vinci As Folk
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
What do you do when Big Bro Microsoft is watching you? NO, Torgo not that! You listen to Geek shock where we talk about things like Expendables 3, the New 52 covers, Lucas gives it up, Locke & Key, Starz hot bizness, Die Han Die, Whedonverses, Labyrinth, Ewok rap, Cusack's Cell, Kinect peers into your soul, Ralph wrecks the Box Office, Stan Lee's Strange behavior, Flight of the Muppets, and Meth-busters. So turn up that soundtrack to Labyrinth, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
Geek Shock #163 - Go Full Guinea Pig
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
So did anything interesting happen today? I dunno.. things like DISNEY BUYING LUCASFILM, Arnold's return as Conan, Vaughn quitting X-Men, Sasquach bounties, G4Nobody, flipping off your neighbors wi-fi style, Logan's timeline, Disney Princesses, Gerbils, Freddy's nemesis vs. the Federation, and Resident Evil 6 gets fixed (ala the vet). All this and more in a TWO HOUR Geek Shock extravaganza. God help us.
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Geek Shock #162 - All This and Horrible More!
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Never before has a podcast spent more time on the forced nether-regions of Klingon anatomy. But there's more to talk about this week than gaping ridges. Things like Sleeping Together Shop, Left Behind again, heart warming Family Circus, WOW players need not run for office, Hobbit Hole Breakfast, one big Falcon, Microsoft hates your money, The Hobbit Report, punching the wife of the Dark Lord, Evil Dead ear infection, the Running Dead, Ant Man, big Dead bundles, and The State of the (MOT)Universe. Plus stay on afterward as we add to Denny's already nummy menu. So grab your Billbo Berry Smoothie, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Tuesday Oct 16, 2012
Geek Shock Rewind #3 - Don't Taze Me, Jem!
Tuesday Oct 16, 2012
Tuesday Oct 16, 2012
The final Rewind before we return next week with an all new CouchC...uh, Geek Shock. This Rewind combines the previously unavailable episodes 3 and 4. This is where the format starts to come together and Paul starts to let loose the hounds of taco. Agent Skillz joins us and Barry gushes about Jem. It's a hoot!
Tuesday Oct 09, 2012
Geek Shock Rewind #2 - Star Trek: Our Experience
Tuesday Oct 09, 2012
Tuesday Oct 09, 2012
A promise made better. Here is the second of our Rewind Series where we make our (before now) unavailable first episodes dance before you, our loyal listener. Since we recieved many complaints that the first Rewind was too short (our early episodes were only thirty minutes long), I have combined episodes 2 and 3 into a single rewind. Since both episodes are about the last days of Star Trek: The Experince attraction in Las Vegas, they compliment each other well.
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Geek Shock #161 - The Journey of Batty Man
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Though we talk about The Boredoms, this Geek Shock is anything but. Thrill to the land of bad Kiss Parody! Dance to the rhythm of asteroid mining/fish gutting! Pleasure yourself to sexy tales of parking! Somewhere in there we also find room to talk about real life time travel - REALLY, Zynga board games, Evil Head, Mark moves to make Fox Marvel, Sense8, Xbox for presidency, Todd McFarlane sues Spawn, Planet of the Cloverfield, Japanese pirates walk the plank, Xbox live rewards, the streams of Mars, Stan Lee IS Iron Man, a Blu Dark Knight, Fargo on TV ya, Arizona man tests Police, and stay tune to a little extra as we decide where in time WE want go-go. So find a place to park, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
Geek Shock #160 - Louis Lane Fish Pie
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
Tuesday Sep 25, 2012
A grand welcome back to Kommander K and introducing Special Guest Star, Big Black (Aka the Carl fellow we've mentioned on past episodes). This week we talk about Killercon, Barbarella, The Goratorium, a Knight's Longer Tale, Neo-Ghostbusters, World War Zzzzz, The ire of comic book writers, the Cleveland Airport Superman Exhibit, and so much more. So order up your fish pie, it's time for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
Geek Shock #159 - Jehovavitch
Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
The boys that make the noise are back with an all new Geek Shock! This week we talk about Ben Folds & Fraggles, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Transformers 4, Wonder Women from Lesbos, Dorn's got a brand new bag, MANIMAL(!), Final Fantasy XIII - WTF, President America, Movie Ninjas, Shannara, NASA's space bubble, Trek off the dark, Smallishville, WiiU, expensive briefcases, G4 no more, Artless History, Final Fantasy Four Hundred $, and time to eat the sugar, kids! So jump in feet first... I double dog dare ya!
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Geek Shock Rewind #1 - Dark Men of Steel
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
A promise made good. Many of you have asked for earlier episodes of the show. Since Las Vegas weather is bordering on trecherous tonight, we have re-posted the previously unavailable, first episode of Geek Shock (back when it was still called the Couchcast). I hope you enjoy it and look forward to having you back next week for an all new Geek Shock!
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Geek Shock #158 - Strap On Backpack
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
I tried... I tried to give you an informative geek news program. And it started so well with deep discussions of the Apple/Samsung fight and what it means to be a hero in today's society. Then Paul's prayer to the Lords of Chaos was answered let slip the hounds of hell. But we did get to talk about those damn space Turtles, The Rocketeer, Para Time, AI, Mars and Axl. Welome to chaos. Welcome to Geek Shock!
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012
Geek Shock #157 - Necropsy
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012
What is going on in this week's Geek Shock? *STAB* Ok...let's see... There seems to be Expendables 2, Getaway, Emulators, Angry Bird Day, Universal Soldier, Finn and Sawyer, 86'ed magic items, Spiderkick, Dark Tower, Gunn's Galaxy, Downey's Boo Boo, Harry Harrison, Polar Bear Zebra Herpes, Valve's Big Picture, The Un-secret Santa, Nintendo Powerless, DnD: AD, Spike Lee's Oldboy, The end of The Boys, and Showtime hates new viewers. This show seems to be innocent. But it's one more clue on my quest to find the real culprit. Shut Up!
Thursday Aug 16, 2012
Geek Shock #156 - Fartbox & Chili Weiner
Thursday Aug 16, 2012
Thursday Aug 16, 2012
Wait! Who's that I see? It's Barry and Deb back from the nether regions of Texas to join us as we talk about Star Trek Conventions, the Classic Gaming Expo, chalices, ALF, Double Hollow, Roboflop, Handball Dong, Konami hates you, Batle.hack, Hench, Bill and Ted and (?), Daredirector, Mad Max and the Word Burgers, OUYA, Gilliam's huh(?), Joe Kubert, Who's drama, the Amityville what, Q-Bert, Fapple, TV's for guns, iBook porn and why people buy it. So quickly make a Coily and get ready for a Geek Shock!
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Geek Shock #155 - Granny Rags
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Ach! What be floatin' in the Loch!!? You dunna' want te know! But you might want to know about Ghostbusters 3, The Bobby Bunch, Avengers 2, Pizza, Necromancer, Dini-less Bats, the fate of Daredevil, High Moon, Proof, Dark Tower, Thor 2, Prometheus 2, Dishonored casting, Think Geek's Idea Factory and the fate of So get them fire trucks ready, it's time for a Geek Shock!